When a potential client/customer asks for the link to buy but then ghosts 👻 what happens next? ⬇️
“Pending energy” in sales ⚠️ ⬇️
A leak I see with business owners who sell a service is that when someone inquires to work with them (but doesn’t purchase yet) they cling to that inquiry. They kinda stop going @ 100% marketing & selling, subconsciously. They slip into a “waiting” energy for this person to sign up. They can fixate on “when will they click the link and buy?”
It’s awesome to be excited about new customers.
The leak is that in the refusing to energetically release the potential client, the energy becomes sticky.
We can go into a place of “waiting”, or trying to convince them to work with us, chase them, think they’re the only client in the world who would want to pay us 😂
Yesterday a new 1:1 client signed on. This is a high level, high ticket container, over $10k.
This particular client had reached out to me a few weeks ago to work together. Then we parsed out the best package for her over a few emails. Had a 20 min call. A few more emails.
In between those interactions I was still showing up. Going live. Marketing. Running my business. Putting out offers. Working with clients. Running programs.
The point is, there was no clinging to her inquiry. Aligned moves still had to be taken. More clients and potential clients had to be nurtured. Transmissions still needed to be gifted.
But often I see business owners clinging to the inquiry & subconsciously or consciously energetically unplugging in their marketing & sales a bit when they do get an inquiry because they get “stuck” on when that person will buy
It creates pending energy
That energy is congested & wrapped in scarcity.
Not only does that person feel it, but it effects your overall vibration
You’re going into a place of “no one wants to hire me! What if it all fails! Why do people always inquire and not sign up! Why won’t she just buy already!”
Which is not magnetic or aligned to the vibration of sales pouring in & clients signing on like hot cakes. 🥞
Not To mention it feels SO icky for you to have feel that right, contracted, needy energy while you’re waiting for a response.
We gotta get BACK into receiving & faithful energy
Your power is in releasing that client energetically
She can still sign up (she’ll be more likely to when you make this shift)
Breathe. Relax. Trust that there are 7 billion other people in the world.
Give her the link to sign up
Then release it
Trust that she’s empowered enough to click “purchase” if she wants to
Trust that if you’re meant to work with her, Source will bring you together
She’s being guided. If it’s the highest & best for you to work together, you will.
This is a whollllle new way of being with potential clients that can be the difference between feeling contracted, icky & pushing new customers away VERSUS feeling confident, relaxed & seeing sales pouring in 🔥🔥
If you’re someone who desires to calibrate to learning to release potential clients,
Keep the flow of inquiries flowing in…
Keep the sales flowing in..
Keep the revenue building…
$ales From Soul is a 3 week immersion into selling with confidence and magnetism
🤍 creating a buy-ready audience over time, people who are dripping 💦 for your offers
👑Learn to lead yourself powerfully through triggers during launches & selling and alchemize them
💃The coding to scaling to multi 5 figure months
🔥 how to stay COMPOUNDING in aligned moves so you can stay in RECEIVING energy
💸Selling high ticket packages $10k++. Over and over. And low ticket. And mid ticket. All of it.
💦 stripping back deeply activating your throat to SPEAK directly to your soul aligned clients
☀️ we’re bringing in spirit. We’re alchemizing fears. We’re rising into higher income, easier sales, consistent recurring revenue, more soul expression, more impact.
Join my email list to be sure you’re notified when we open up $ales From Soul for the next round
For more Manifestation blogs + tips like this follow Bri on Instagram at @buildingbri

About Bri
I’m a Manifestation Coach - some would say Queen
I am wildly obsessed with teaching women just like you how to have it all.
Mind, Body, Money & Soul.
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