For the Feminine Energy Queens
building Soul-Led Empires that change that world
The place where high-achieving, successful woman come home to their empowered feminine, magnetic, radiant feminine energy, heal their relationship to themselves,
while attracting healthy, juicy love from an empowered masculine King along the way 😉
Curious about embracing your feminine energy?
But unsure where to start?
This class is the perfect place to start if you're wanting to deep dive understanding the nuances of both wounded and empowered masculine and feminine energy, so you can start melting into your empowered feminine energy, and having great discernment of wounded versus empowered, masculine partners.
We also cover archetypes like the eternal boy, the nice guy, the queen, the king, the eternal girl, the narcissist… And so much more
Get instant access to this training below
the feminine craves more.
Freedom Pleasure Impact Abundance
Magic flows through your bones. You know you're put on this planet to raise consciousness and make a massive positive impact. You desire to run a business honoring your feminine essence and giving your soul-led gifts to the world. And you desire to do it while living the most orgasmic, beautiful, love-filled life full of freedom.
It's time you cracked open and let the wild, liberated, pleasure-led powerful CEO out of you.
The version of you that is running a 6 figure, multi-6 figure business led by pleasure & spirit & the divine WHILST being magnetic to healthy divine masculine partners already exists inside of you.
Hi, I'm Bri
Feminine energy mentor
business & life coach for ambitious women growing soul-led businesses
Sex, intimacy and relationship coach
Medium & channel for Spirit
Podcast Host, For the Love of Men Podcast and Manifestation Queen Radio
Speaker & writer
BA Psychology
formally Trained in the Somatica Method as a Sex & Intimacy Coach
Nashville, TN based
And what I know for sure...
is that you are the Oracle to all your questions & already ARE the next level version of you. We just need to liberate her. 😉
Through honoring your body as the oracle, cracking open to your power to manifest & to feeeeel, and healing your masculine and feminine energetic wounds.. you become the creator of the life you've been craving - the healthy love, the abundance, and the soul mission manifested.
And I’m here to help you remember that.
Can you imagine:
- Feeling wildly turned on by life and wide open to receive your desires?
- Waking up every day feel deeply connection to your oracle, your body & your pleasure?
- Feeling so on path in your purpose work and deeply connected to spirit, channeling offers & powerful transmissions in your business?
- Attracting in healthy, empowered masculine partners who ravish and adore you for the feminine, powerful woman you are?
- Being wide open to receive more pleasure, abundance and love than ever before?
- Expecting sales to pour in consistently from the most soul-aligned clients?
How we can work together
Not sure what kind of support you need? Tell me about what made you reach out and we will figure out the best option of support for you together.

1:1 private Highest level Feminine Energy, Business, Pleasure + Intimacy, Dating/Relationship Coaching
For the woman who is all in & committed to her transformation into the most empowered feminine woman she can be - radiating, magnetic, secure, confident, and pursuing her passions in life.
You do not have to be an entrepreneur to work with me 1:1 - I work with ambitious women desiring healthy love from empowered masculine partners and to unleash their feminine energy & their pleasure often.
For Feminine Energy & Business Mentorship: This supportive container is for you, powerful, ambitious woman. You’re so ready to uplevel your business, ascend in income, create a larger impact, and do it all through deeply connecting with Source, Spirit, and your pleasure & personal power. In this container, you and I are teaming up to elevate you to your next level in business, where you fully step into and own your magic in the world, bringing that energy to your marketing and clients.
Clients in this program often end up working with me far beyond 5 mths. This is the highest level access to my coaching. No subject is off limits in this container - manifesting healthy relationships, magnetizing a divine masculine partner, embracing your feminine power and sexuality, orgasmic manifestation practices, healing old wounds, alchemizing deep shadow work, creating a healthy money relationship, dropping in potent codes around money, sales, marketing, etc. From life to business to spirituality - we do it all.
For Feminine Energy & Dating/Relationship Mentorship: In this container, you and I are teaming up to support you in embracing your feminine radiance, feeling secure and confident in your dating/relationship life, unleashing your pleasure potential, and creating your most fulfilling life as an empowered feminine woman.
Again, Clients in this program often end up working with me far beyond 5 mths. This is the highest level access to my coaching. No subject is off limits in this container - manifesting healthy relationships, magnetizing a divine masculine partner, embracing your feminine power and sexuality, orgasmic manifestation practices, healing old wounds, and alchemizing deep shadow work.
I offer two levels of 1:1 private coaching work.
Both are 4, 6 or 8 mth commitments depending on your unique needs.
- Biweekly calls 1:1 for 50 minutes via Zoom to deep dive into exactly what you're desiring support with that week. You lead these calls - you come with what's alive inside of your life that week - from relationships to business, depending on which program your’e in - and we deep dive elevating you.
- Unlimited business hours support from me via Voxer (voice and text messaging app) which is like having a mentor & channeled messages in your back pocket always, for real time support as questions arise.
- Current and lifetime access to ALL my programs - Money Honey, The Activated Entrepreneur, Sales From Soul, Quantum Magic, Soft & Secure, The Pleasure Program, Attracting Healthy Love, Inside Out: The Art and Science of Healthy, Polarized Relationships, & the Fundamentals of Feminine & Masculine Energy Training… and any new programs that release while we work together 1:1! This will serve as a guideline for the work we do together.
- This is a 13k investment, or 2500/mth (or an extended payment plan lowering payments and extending out in months - just ask about this option!)
- One monthly call 1:1 for 50 minutes via Zoom to deep dive into exactly what you're desiring support with that week. You lead these calls - you come with what's alive inside of your life that week - from relationships to business, depending on which program you’re in - and we deep dive elevating you.
- Unlimited business hours support from me via Voxer (voice and text messaging app) which is like having a mentor & channeled messages in your back pocket always, for real time support as questions arise.
- Your choice of a single program to deep dive while we work together. For Feminine Energy work, this is Soft & Secure: The Feminine Energy Healing & Embodiment Program. For Business, The Activated Entrepreneur or Money Honey or Sales From Soul. You have lifetime access to this program. This will serve as a guideline for the work we do together
- This is a 9k investment, or 1700/mth (or an extended payment plan lowering payments and extending out in months - just ask about this option!)

Soft & Secure Feminine Energy Healing & Embodiment
Inside Soft & Secure, my 6 week program for women ready to IMMERSE into their empowered feminine energy, you’ll be learning how to make all of these shifts.
✅ How to create internal safety and security so that you feel confident to let down your guard, and reveal your softened, open feminine essence.
✅ How to honor, heal and alchemize those inner masculine and feminine energy wounds that keep you in protection mode or cause you to sink into wounded feminine codependent-like, anxious, tendencies.
✅ How to shift into a new paradigm with the masculine, attracting in healthy and empowered masculine men (hint: this has NOTHING to do with different ‘action’ and everything to do with YOU shifting internally which will create a different life experience for you)
✅ Start breaking the cycle of attracting emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, or unaligned partners, and learn how to begin attracting healthy, empowered masculine partners who bring the best out in you.
✅ …and so much more, of course. Like creating amazing confidence in yourself exactly as you are, feeling secure to express and speak up for yourself, set boundaries in an empowering and detached way, learning to see yourself (the feminine) the way the masculine sees you (this will BLOW your mind!), and how to attract in the healthiest, most aligned empowered masculine partner for you.
A combination my psychology background, law of attraction, somatic healing, sex/intimacy/relationship training, and polarity work has created this immersive, transformational program on being in your empowered feminine energy.
If you feel called, get access by investing via the link below. You deserve it.
The day you enroll is the day you have a roadmap to stepping into your feminine energy & learning to date in healthy feminine ways. Now is the time to secure your place. Come transform into your empowered feminine energy.
- 6 x trainings with notes and actionable homework
- Lifetime access to the material
- Meditations and activations to support you in transforming from the inside out!
- 3 new live modules being taught this round
- 3 LIVE Q&A calls for support with all your questions

a close-knit sisterhood of high-achieving, powerful women
a container for rising in feminine magnetism and opening to attract & receive healthy love from empowered masculine partners
& do the deep inner healing you've been avoiding for too long
Limited spots. First come first serve.
ONLY 6 WOMEN ARE IN THIS CONTAINER AT A TIME - this is a close-knit group. If you're considering joining, submit an application today.
This container is for you if:
You've already completed the Soft & Secure program. This is an advanced container to understand more nuanced feminine & masculine dynamics, and deeper healing work. We build off of the Soft & Secure program with deeper knowledge and practices in the mastermind.
You've tried therapy or other healing modalities, maybe for awhile, and it's helped you build self awareness.. but it's not actually shifting your dating experience. You're still attracting the same kind of man in a different body, over and over.
- You’re desiring to feel confidently in your empowered feminine energy - warm, radiant, magnetic, loving ALL of who you are, and feel so good in your own energy while single, dating or in a relationship.
- You are ready to learn to date and relate in healthy and empowered ways. No more game playing, ruminating, criticizing, playing hard to get.. just learning to allow aligned and empowered masculine partners to come towards you, drama-free.
You're ready to heal your inner emotional wounds somatically (no more just talking about it 😉 that make you feel closed to love/men, or chase love, feel anxious, etc.
- The idea of bringing more pleasure & fun into your life lights you up.Come home. 🤍 Soft & Secure the Mastermind is now open for enrollment, starting mid 2024. We’re waiting for you. 🔥👀
Lifetime access to Soft and Secure Feminine Energy Healing and Embodiment course
(about 10 hours of content)With that, deep somatic healing practices for you to have lifetime access to3 live group coaching calls per month, 12 total
1 live group training or somatic healing session per month, 4 total
Unlimited support via group whatsapp for support and coaching feedback M-F

Inside Out: the art and science of healthy relationships & magentizing the divine masculine Program
Learn the art and science of healthy relationships, specifically between the masculine and the feminine. The first phase of this program is about healing your relationship between you and YOU - healing your internal masculine/feminine wounds, people-pleasing, seeking external validation, creating internal safety, honoring your own emotions, etc. Phase two is about understanding the art of polarity- how to hold the feminine pole whilst with an empowered masculine partner.
You'll learn the very different ways that masculine thinks, believes and behaves (this is always SHOCKING to woman who have never learned that men think, believe and behave differently than women!) You'll learn how to speak to his masculine core and bring out the best in his provider, protector, pursuer energy. You'll learn to how to hold space for intimate conversations, build that connection, and stay in your feminine whilst together.
Lastly, you'll learn how to become wide open to receive healthy love, recalibrate your nervous system to healthy love, and become magnetic to your desires (the way you will learn to receive from your masculine partners, you can also learn to receive from the Universe 😉 )
- 4 week live group program
- 90 minute weekly group zoom meetings, 5 modules - the first 75 minutes, I teach, the last 15 minutes is reserved for live questions and support where you and your sisters ask all the questions
- This is an immersive high level support group
- VIP access available for a 1:1 call with Bri and private Voxer coaching during the duration of the program for those who desire to go deeper

Want to work with me one on one, but not quite ready for commitment of 4 months yet? Need to be activated and immersed in the field of abundance and potentiality?
Gift yourself this 70 minute container of support. Come prepared with any and all questions you would like to receive support and coding around. No subject is off limits - from business to feminine energy dating to pleasure and orgasmic manifestation to psychic development. You lead the call, I'm there to help you dig deep, shift, alchemize, rise and be activated.
We have one 90 minute deep dive call, where we team up to take a deep dive into your energy. We both know your business flows THROUGH you - so it’s always YOUR energy we look at first. What beliefs are blocking your business flow? Where are you letting your mindset get the best of you? We clean this up ASAP and get you feeling confident and high vibe again. We will also audit your business strategy. We identify the gaps in your implementation. Creating improvement in a seamless client process, magnetic marketing, optimizing social media, making your offers irresistible, amping up your launch strategy and sales
This call is led by YOU and whats alive within you to have support with. No topic is off limits - you'll lead the call with your questions and what you'd like support with - from relationships to business to pleasure.
You take with you the full recorded zoom coaching call that you can watch and rewatch.
- One 90 minute intensive via Facetime/Phone call to deep dive into your inner blocks + struggles + strategy
- The entire 90 minute zoom call recorded for rewatching
Working with me 1:1 in private coaching
is for you if…
- There's a wild, untamed, turned on, feminine queen inside of you just waiting to break free - and you know it's time to let her come out and play
- You know you could do it on your own, but you are craving support & to be held as you hold yourself along the way, a supportive and meaningful connection with a coach on this journey of expansion
- You're an entrepreneur or not - I work with women who are ambitious and know how deeply capable they are, whether that's in your career or your business.
- You’re willing to commit 100% to taking a deep dive into your own energy
- You will no longer settle for less than your dream life and you’re willing to work to get it
- You're ready to get uncomfortable and invest into yourself - time, energy, money, heart and soul.
This isn’t for you if…
- You’re looking for a quick fix
- You want me to solve all your problems for you
- You don't feel draw to or connected to your sense of spirituality and have no desire to. You're uninterested in cracking open to your feminine or your pleasure.
- You're not going to be self empowered. You expect me to manifest the results for you (Hint: this is not even possible, even if I wanted it to be!)
- You're not in this for the full transformational long haul. You're unwilling to work through shadow and rise. You expect it to just be easy.
Self guided courses you can start today
The Activated Entrepreneur ecourse
This course is perfect for beginner entrepreneurs as well as those further in the journey.
So you want to make a massive impact on this world through your business, live a life of abundance, and work with soul-aligned clients? Okay, powerhouse. We’ve got to activate. Turn on. Strip you back. Own your purpose and passion and lead from that electrified place. There is no more watering down your message or trying to “say the right things.” From here on out, we lead from soul, from spirit, and passion. This program is all about revealing and owning who you are fully, and showing up in your business that way. We turn up your magnetic field by teaching you to channel spirit, to show up stripped back and authentic, and connected to your divine power to manifest anything you desire in life.
It’s time to call your soul-aligned clients home, activate next level wealth, create the most inspired content from spirit, and build a business of purpose and passion. In this program you will learn to open up to your psychic & mediumship gifts, channel your marketing and content, craft your brand vibe through your third eye and create your offers in a way that keeps customers coming back again and again.

$ales From Soul Self-Study Ecourse
Learn how to feel so damn good about selling and how to allow money and customers to flow into your business with ease through this immersive program.
It's time to release the wobbliness around accepting money, selling your offers and being compensated for it. It's time to release the limiting lie of a belief that attracting clients and making sales is hard.
You get to be the feminine, leaned back receiver of clients and money.
You'll be:
- Creating a buy ready audience
by embracing your soul gifts + unique magic!
- Crafting your juicy offers that you're madly in love with, and energetically getting behind the investments (including 5-figure, high ticket price tags!)
- Energetically getting behind your investments AND the path of sales / structuring your business for long term growth & reoccurring clientele.
- STAYING OPEN TO RECEIVE SALES AND CLIENTS (the major art of selling) no matter what you're doing - (or not doing - hi sunbathing and receiving sales!)
- Learning the Strategy of Sales and setting up multiple entry points
You can get instant access to this self-paced pre-recorded ecourse TODAY! Purchase below.

money honey program
Ready to change the way you experience money forever? This live group program teaches you the foundation of money manifestation, of activating wealth, and allowing abundance to flow in your life. We cover all things, multiplying your money, spending in alignment, attracting in surprise in income, and removing the icky anxiety you feel around money management. Basically, you become a money manifestation queen.
This program is excellent for entrepreneurs who feel icky around sales, revenue & their business income, but it's open to everyone and anyone who desires to heal their money mindset and turn up their wealth magnetism.
- 5 x video trainings with notes and actionable homework each week
- Lifetime access to the eCourse
check out
my podcasts

Attracting healthy love starts with knowing
what’s not healthy
I created this 90 minute training on The Magnetism of Narcissists and Codependents for you, so you can recognize what narcissism looks like in a potential partner (from the charming love bombing in the beginning to manipulation, confusion & pain later), what codependent wounds might be lingering so you can heal them, and start attracting healthy, empowered masculine partners from your empowered feminine energy.
Sign up for my email list below to gain access to this training for free!