And now, in true Bri fashion, let’s say the things online were not “supposed to” say (but what’s totally and completely the truth)
You’re allowed to have multiple orgasms AND make lots of money
You’re allowed to help thousands, millions of people AND be in overflow with your dollars
You’re allowed to be hurting & healing in other areas of your life AND still have a thriving business
You’re allowed to be wildly wealthy AND wildly spiritual
You’re allowed to be super freaking intelligent AND fun & down to earth
You’re allowed to lean back, play, take time off AND still have your highest month in business yet
You’re allowed to be hurting, healing, struggling some days AND lead yourself through it with love and compassion
You’re allowed to make mistakes & mess it up AND forgive yourself, and heal it
You’re allowed to cry your eyes out one morning AND helping your clients thrive the next
You’re allowed to have fears & doubts AND still make the moves & take the action anyway
You’re allowed to be struggling in some areas of your life AND still holding the vibe of the life you desire
You’re allowed to be a powerful ass woman AND be feminine, embodied & playful
You’re allowed to have a pleasure-filled, fulfilling sex life AND run a multiply 6 figure, 7 figure business
You’re allowed to have degrees and amazing credentials AND be a wild woman in life & business
You’re allowed to have a hot body you adore AND be connected & tuned into God Source energy
You’re allowed to have bad days AND still enjoy the good ones
You do not have to choose
You are an “AND” woman
You get to have it all
The fulfillment
The business
The healing
The hurt
The struggles
The fears
The impact
The income
The pleasure
The love
The freedom
The fun
You do not have to compromise
Choose to have it all
Choose to be it all
Choose not to abandon any part of yourself, but hold them all with so much love
You are a vessel, woman
You are the oracle
Be all of who you are
For more manifestation Blogs + Tips follow Bri on Instragram at buildingbri

About Bri
I’m a Manifestation Coach - some would say Queen
I am wildly obsessed with teaching women just like you how to have it all.
Mind, Body, Money & Soul.
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