Dating and Sales are pretty damn similar

What NOT to do when you want to attract clients or dates 

Take these 4 scenarios.😂

1️⃣ What if you wanted to go out with a guy, and he said, for whatever reason, no?

Would you continue to message him & try to convince him to go out with you?

And tell him how great you are?

2️⃣ Or, would you cold message 10 guys on facebook, tell them you’d be a great fit together, and ask them to be with you?

3️⃣ Or, what if you wanted to go out with a guy and he said “it’s just not a good time”

And you dated him anyways

And later on, he pulled away, he was super busy, and reminded you “I told you I didn’t have time”

4️⃣ Or, what if this guy, when you asked him out, just didn’t seem interested & he ghosted?

Would you follow him out to the bar anyways, try to be the most attractive and pushy, & hope he changed his mind?

Take these dating examples into sales

This is what MANY people are taught to do in sales

❌If someone says no, they are taught to push and convince the potential client

❌If they say they don’t have the time right now, they are taught to tell the client to make time (and feel disappointed when the client REALLY doesn’t have time to show up for the program)

❌If they say they can’t afford it, many people are taught to tell the client to use a credit card, take out a loan, or go into debt

❌If the client just isn’t interested and ghosts, they are taught to reach out multiple times and “convince” the client to work with them

❌ and they’re taught to reach out to potential clients by cold messaging (which is CRAP💩 its intrusive to the customer, looks completely desperate, & wastes their time, which is disrespectful)

You can clearly see how these dating sensations would be DISASTROUS

So why are we taught to use them in sales?!?


✅Are the ones who feel a “hell yes!” To work with you

✅They feel a bit of fear but they rise up above it (like the guy whose nervous about falling in love and risking heart break, but goes for it anyway)

✅They make it a PRIORITY to work with you – time wise, financially, and energetically And the two of you make magic together. Because you’re both 100% in

✅ more than likely, THEY reach out to YOU

Those are the kind of clients (and dates!) you should be having

There is no need to convince a man whose magnetized to you, sees your value, and feels honored to be with you to date you

He will just go for it

And there is no need to convince soul aligned clients to work with you

They will just go for it

Don’t force what’s not aligned

(And please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP COLD MESSAGING! No matter WHAT you’re selling! #EndTheMadness)

Did you know we have a self paced E-Course available currently on Manifesting Money? Click here to learn more about each module and how it can help you become a money magnet.


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Bri Mosher
About Bri

I’m a Manifestation Coach - some would say Queen 😉
I am wildly obsessed with teaching women just like you how to have it all.
Mind, Body, Money & Soul.

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