If I can make a hundred grand in my business my first year out of college, with barely any overhead, NO investors, or leveraged debt… simply by learning manifestation and energetics…why WOULD I NOT share my story?
I share my story so that YOU KNOW you can do this, too
If I have learned to create a 6 figure business, with highs of $17k months PURELY through my energy with money and understanding the laws of universe, why would I keep that to myself?
I have helped dozens of people manifest $5k surprise checks in the mail, double their business revenues, hit their highest income months, take their families on vacation, upgrade their lifestyle….

Why would I hide the methods that have made me (and so many others) financially secure and stable?
And I’m giving away my methods and work every single day in my social media, my posts, my stories, my live videos, my private group, my courses and programs and private coaching to help you experience abundance
I share openly about my business revenues and profits because I want you to know that it DOESN’T have to be so complicated
YES running a business requires work, perseverance and energy. But not in a sense of requiring 16 hour days, excessive struggle and little pay off
That’s just your own resistance and blocked energies manifesting
It’s the INNER work that makes a business work
And that’s my specialty.
I work with business owners who KNOW some strategy and maybe even a LOT of strategy. But are still aren’t seeing the $ they know they should be making.
Business owners who are damn good at what they do but are finding business to be a struggle, inconsistent & stressful
I teach boss women (and a few men!) how to manifest their business on THEIR terms – through THEIR energy. From square one with 0 sales to $7k months.
I teach them how to create FREEDOM – in their personal lives, finically, time wise, all of it. How to be LEADERS in their work and serve the world with their gifts and abilities
And I help people live their most fulfilling, healthy, happy and *gasp* prosperous lives
It’s what I was born to do
And I won’t stop doing it for the sake of making someone else comfortable
Ps if you’re ready to manifest the next level of your business, clean up your money mindset & give your gifts to this world…
Head over to my services page and contact me about 1:1 business manifestation coaching. It’s time to follow your gut.


About Bri
I’m a Manifestation Coach - some would say Queen
I am wildly obsessed with teaching women just like you how to have it all.
Mind, Body, Money & Soul.
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Learn how to manifest the business you've been dreaming of by becoming energetically aligned, up-leveling your money mindset, and stepping into your manifestation power.