Here’s a few things
about me...
I’m a Psychic Business & Life coach, feminine energy unleasher, psychic development & spiritual mentor, and pleasure + abundance activator 😉
I help soul-led entrepreneurs start grow their 6-figure and multi-6 figure empires
I have a BA in psychology and (more importantly) an adorable french bulldog puppy
- I live in Music City, the heart of Nashville
- and a kick-ass podcast Manifestation Queen radio
I’m low-key obsessed with ice cream and chocolate chip cookies
I don't believe in limitations or playing small
My core truth?
I am wildly obsessed with teaching women just like you how to have it all.
Abundance. Pleasure. Freedom. Fierce Soul-Expression. Purpose. Impact.
From broke
to abundant...
I started coaching in 2018 in the fitness field. At the time I was competing in fitness competitions and loved helping others learn to both honor and adore their bodies.
For the longest time I couldn’t figure out why the business wasn’t scaling financially, despite my best efforts, drive and determination. It was then that I dove deep into Manifestation, energy work and abundance mindset.
Within 11 months the business had scaled to 6 figures all through this work.. and I knew, my days of fitness coaching were over. It was truly energetic and spiritual work that was my heart and soul.
The company began growing faster and faster through nothing other than my own personal inner work. What I physically did “action-wise” in the business hadn’t not changed. I was still only organically marketing through socials (no paid advertising), and using only 2 platforms, IG and FB.
Behind the scenes, I was deep diving healing and clearing my own magnetic field, doing deep emotional healing work, and opening to receive more and more.
Though this was creating success, and deep healing and alignment for me personally, something still felt off. Like there was a missing piece.
That's when I knew, it was always about energy over action.

Pleasure and money are deeply connected.
A part of me was still in my “hustle” mode, believing I had to trade my time for money, work hard to bust through income glass ceilings, and “earn” income. I also found myself playing the masculine role in my relationships, always being the one to lead, pursue, and chase… despite desperately craving internally to melt, surrender and soften into my feminine.
This is where it gets juicy.
I immersed myself into understanding feminine and masculine energy magnetics, and dedicated the next two years plus into feminine embodiment both in love and sexuality, and business and money.
What I feel and have experienced now so deeply is that pleasure and money are deeply connected
It's about balancing your personal inner divine feminine and divine masculine energy.
And the more in my leaned back, receiving, surrendered energy with the Universe and with a partner I was, the more fulfilled, taken care of and satisfied I became.
This is also where I learned that the gateway to opening to your own inner divine feminine energy was having your own inner empowered masculine energy in tact and in balance, supporting you. Your feminine simply wont come out to her full magnitude when your inner masculine is wounded energy, or not there at all.
I have manifested a soul-led life & business I am deeply in love with.
This was the shift that took the company from 6 figures and still living with reminisce of hustling, chasing client and pushing… to multi 6 figures with pleasure, ease, flow, and deeper emotional healing.
This was also the work that got me out of a narcissistically abusive relationship, to deep inner healing and falling in love with myself again, to now attracting in empowered healthy divine masculine men.
I have also been mentored and opened up to my own psychic and mediumship gifts, and channel my content, programs and coaching from spirit. I often bring spirit into my calls with clients and work with energy beyond the veil to help them shift and bust through their glass ceilings faster. We channel moves from the 5D to collapse time in the 3D
My hope is that every woman on the planet can wake up to her innate magnetism as the feminine and learn how much pleasure and fun make her magnetic to all her desires (and juicy, divine masculine men)

It’s through her relationship with herself that she will find the gateway to scaling her business, growing her impact and expanding her income.
Now I’ve made it my purpose in life to help with women just like you build their feminine, soul-led empires and live out their dharma in this lifetime…
…while being compensated greatly for their brilliance and magic in the world.
So what even
is manifestation?
Manifestation is the practice of aligning yourself energetically with whatever it is you desire.
- Linking up with your soulmate
- Smashing an income goal
- Creating space in your life for abundance
- Living a life of financial freedom
- Creating and maintaining health goals
- Becoming a better partner and friend
As you begin to mentally accept what you want and match the frequency of that desire, you will begin to attract it into your life.
My work focuses on four different (but super important) areas.
Soul Expression, Energetic Alignment, Feminine Flow, Pleasure and Abundance, Spiritual and Psychic development
These are what I call the ‘sticking points’. Those things that hold you up. Keep you awake at night. Stop you from doing all the things you want to do in this wild, beautiful life.
Let me help you get unstuck.
Speaking of you...

What does your most aligned, fulfilled, deeply on purpose and stripped back to your truth LIFE look like?
I'm here to activate you.
A life of overflow,
being the fully expressed version of yourself, unapologetically,
of being deeply connection to Source and Spirt,
hearing the whispers beyond the veil,
connecting pleasure and money,
embracing your magnetic feminine radiance,
orgasmically manifesting your dream life,
calling in soul-aligned clients,
attracting in empowered, divine masculine partners in healthy relationship dynamics,
channeling magnetic marketing and content that deeply connects with your soul-aligned people,
manifesting the business of your dreams, scaling to 6 figures, multi 6 figures and beyond,
letting soul flow and pleasure lead the way.
Bottom line?
- You are more powerful than you even know right now
- You can have, be or do ANYTHING you want
- Your playing small and settling for less than what you want and deserve doesn't serve anyone, especially yourself
- All you have to do is make a choice, today, to start embracing your divine power as as creator of your own life to manifest a life of your dreams
- AND you don't have to go all "woo-woo-incense-lighting-seance circle" to get there.
- You can still love watching New Girl and sippin' red wine while you create an abundant, love-filled, wildly fun life
I’m here to...
- Teach you how to get back up when you fall down
- Stop clinging to mistakes because you spent a long time making them
- Quit obsessing over your negative thought patterns
And open yourself up.
To the love, abundance, the body, the joy & fulfillment you deserve.
Want more... ?
You’re ready aren’t you? To ditch those negative and limiting thoughts and clear yourself for a life of abundance for your mind, body, money and soul.
the activated entrepreneur ecourse
Learn to bring Spirit into your business and open up to your psychic and mediumship abilities. Smash your next income goal by collapsing time and playing even more in the 5D. Craft your branding and your offers through your 3rd eye. Learn to channel magnetic marketing by working with spirit. Meet your spiritual guides for business and life guidance. This course is perfect for beginner entrepreneurs as well as those further in the journey.
Live 1:1 Coaching Opportunities
A 4 month container for women desiring their soul-led business through pleasure and fun, psychic activation, working with spirit and busting through their financial glass ceilings. 4 x 50 minute 1:1 calls with me per month, plus unlimited support via voxer 1:1 the entire time, and access to all live courses while we work together, as well as The Activated Entrepreneur eCourse.

And remember...
You CAN have it all. You just have to believe it.
And be willing to go all in on yourself.